Monday, November 24, 2008

Hilary's Birthday

Today, November 26th is Hilary's birthday. By now she would have been born. She was born on a "dark and stormy night", early this morning.

Well, actually, when I went to sleep at 10:30 PM, there was a beautiful full moon shining through the roof window in West Newbury, where we lived at the time. I was reading on my stomach, and the little being inside it was expressing extreme displeasure. Little did I know, then, that this hubris took the form of turning completely around in utero, setting the stage for a breach birth.

At exactly 12 midnight, the aforesaid person began kicking and kicking, and my water broke. At this point, I jumped up in the air, over the sleeping body next to mine, and completely down the stairs, without touching a stair in the process.

It was a wild 45 minute ride to the hospital. Shortly thereafter, anesthetized up to my chin- but awake, a beautiful pink baby girl was born. "She looks just like a rose", I thought.

The next few days were a blur, though I knew it was snowing like mad, and Thanksgiving would be a few people short. Nevertheless, I marveled, when conscious, of this perfect little being next to me.

Regardless of the fact that, all these years later, I can be a little fuzzy on the actual date, I remember the moment as clearly as if it had happened today!

All these years later– she still is! Just as this beautiful photo of her nephew, below:

Happy birthday, Hilary!

Sunday, November 16, 2008

Welcome little Elliott!

Just finished a phone visit with Oliver's parents. Our new family member now has a first name– Elliott!

Young Elliott and I had a brief conversation, and he assures me that he is enjoying his new home, mom, dad, older brother, dog, horse, chicken, cat and and goat relatives!

Here is the latest photo, taken as his dad and I spoke on the phone:

Elliott Conrad Dumas


Now I have come, finally into the 21st century! Although, previously, I had not thought that a Blog was on my horizon, I have come to see that these things can be of some use. So my intention is to play with this blog and see of what it is capable.

Below is a brief video I created with my cell phone in New Hampshire, during Christmas 2007. I hope it doesn't make you seasick! I forgot that you cannot turn the camera the way you can when taking still shots! lol!

Below is Oliver's new brother, born on November 13, 2008. He was in a great hurry to be born and meet everyone! He woke his mom up at 10:45 PM, and made his entrance by 1:12 AM!

Good Job, Mom Carrie, & Dad Bryn! ;)

When last I spoke with Oliver's dad, a baby name had not been picked. Jhon says his brother can call him
mi'suhn, "Younger Brother". Sounds good to me!
(Sorry for the bad memory, Jhon, and thanks for the correction!)